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Care for the Environment

Welcome back!

Today I want to say a few words about two great websites that I found that address environmental concerns.  They are fun, provocative and stir the imagination.

The New Yorker

The New Yorker (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The first I found in an article in the New Yorker Magazine, the May 20, 2013 issue.  The article is called Form and Fungus, and it is written by Ian Frazier, which is a good clue that you are in for a good time.

In his article Ian introduces us to Gavin McIntyre, and Eben Bayer, two inventors of a process for making materials that are completely biodegradable, use little energy in their manufacture, use waste materials, and mushroom fibers.  Yes, that’s right, mushrooms.  Their website is  Go and visit it.  They discuss all of the things that they are making now, such as packaging materials that will take the place of styrofoam which takes multiple years to degrade, and which is a petroleum product.  Other products are building materials, and eventually, consumer products.  It is possible to go to their store and buy some of their products to play with and try out for yourself.  Have fun with that.  It is a beautiful, clean looking and inviting website.

My other discovery is Life Edited.  I found this in the New York Times editorial section.  Life Edited is a company that promotes space saving, elegant living with a small footprint.  Take a look at and look around their website.  It is another one that is clean, pretty, and stirs the imagination.  The products range from skinny bikes, to tiny apartments, to apartment buildings which provide tiny living spaces, and more generous community spaces, complete with lending libraries for “stuff” that takes up a lot of space but isn’t used on a daily basis.  The furniture in these apartments share many uses.  Very neat!!  Have fun.